Bakkies Botha Springbok lock of the Vodacom Blue Bulls have been out for most of the S14 season, making his return only last week against the Sharks. This is what he had to say on his game in an interview with Sport24

J.J. Harmse

Pretoria – Bakkies Botha is ready for Brad Thorn and whoever else comes along his path in the Super 14.

The fiery Bulls lock was delighted at making his first start of the year against the Sharks at the weekend and is now eager to get his game to “the high standards of my team-mates” as soon as possible.

The next step to that is Friday night against the Crusaders, for whom Thorn has proved himself as New Zealand’s version of Botha.

“We will always respect the Crusaders as a team. Their history is testimony to that (them deserving of respect) and I believe they will come to Loftus to prove a point,” Botha said from next to the Bulls’ soaking wet training field.

“But that does not mean you can’t get stuck into them. Thorn is a tough opponent, but I’m ready for him.”

The wet fields of the past week or two boosted Botha’s confidence.

“Yes, on the one hand it was a good thing that the fields were so wet as it placed more pressure on the ankle and that is why I’m very satisfied with how I came through training and matches, even if my body is stiff,” he said.

Botha feels it was also to his advantage that there were more rolling mauls.

“The game is then contested on my terms a little more. I’m happy when there are more mauls,” he said.

The new interpretation of the breakdown laws have required Botha to adapt, but he enjoys it.

“The new laws lead to more mauls, so I enjoy it,” he said.

“The ball is in play more, but it gives the bigger guys chance to carry the ball more often. You definitely have to be fitter than a year or two ago.”

Botha is as delighted to be joining the side as his team-mates are about welcoming him back.

“I did not expect to be out of action for so long, but am eager to do my bit again. The other locks in the team played superbly when I was not there, so I have big shoes to fill,” said Botha.

“That is why I want to be ready as soon as possible. The match fitness is not there yet, but I’m working hard to get to the same level as my team-mates.”

According to Botha, the one thing that has not changed about the Bulls’ game is their ability to remain patient.

“The team is older and wiser and there is a lot of experience in the brains trust. The game is analysed, we adapt and the correct decisions are taken on the field,” said Botha.

“Look at how often we trail at half-time. But by staying patient we manage to turn it around.”

Botha believes the team’s spiritual and physical approach is right.

“We just need to fine-tune a little every week. If we’re clinical and use our chances, we will win on Friday.”

114 Responses to Battle of the locks at Loftus

  • 31

    27 – Blouste, Agree if they mental strong enough they can play no matter how young.

    Think Aussies do it cause they have no-one else. Though just look how Frans Steyn played at the world cup at 19? Look at Lambie 19 and playing superb at FB. Think Van den Heever is only 20 and he too is superb. Just have to be tough mentally and if you got the talent why not play them?

  • 32

    Morning Puma.

    Injuries are a big worry for me…

    Will always be during the whole competition, but we are nearing the end now and a major injury could be a big blow !!!

    But like I said, all the teams have to deal with that.

    A lot of teams have suffered a lot of injuries this year and it just shows again how vitally important depth in the squad is…

    The Bulls have said this on numerous occations… It takes a 30 odd man squad effort to win this competition.

  • 33

    30 – Winston, For sure, just don’t want him injured before the final or the Stormers game. Want to see a good contest there and MOST of all we need him for the Boks. With all this rain hope the field is drier this Friday than it was against the Sharks.

  • 34

    fender @ 29 – We’ll remeber that… 😉

  • 35

    Yes Puma, playing conditions were’nt great for the Sharks game, hopefully better this time around.

  • 36

    32 – Blouste, Injuries are the worst. Really don’t want any of the Bulls or Stormers now to get injuries. Plenty Boks coming from those teams. We need them injury free for the Tri-Nations. Not much rest after the S14 final either.

    Just pleased my Sharks players will have a good rest after they play the Force. Will be pleased to see John getting rest too. He has played every game and I think for most of them 80min. So has Matfield played every game and 80min in all of them. He too needs a rest after the final. I have no doubt Bulls should make the final if they beat the Saders with a bonus point, maybe a good thing to play a 2nd side against the Stormers and rest the players for the final.

  • 37

    Yeah Puma,this rain is starting to get too much.. I think Bakkies needs to get as much game time as possible before the Tri Nations starts..

  • 38

    35 – Blouste let us hope the rain stops. We had plenty yesterday and this morning and it looks like more rain due today. So really hoping it will dry up from tomorrow.

  • 39

    Winston, by the way, how did your interview go ?

  • 40

    Flok, ek is gatvol vir reenweer….

  • 41

    See Dick Muir says the Lions season is a success. He says that they don’t judge themselves on their results and that he is happy with what they achieved so far…

    Some fans might be happy with that but I for one would not have been.
    I saw nothing positive happening at the Lions camp this year.

    If they don’t judge themselves on their results then what do they judge themselves by ? 😕

  • 42

    40 – gbs, Now you know what it is like living in the UK…..hehehe. Even Holland we had this kinda weather for weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeksssssssssss. Though much coler.

  • 43

    It went well thanks,been for 3 interviews at the place now.they said they’ll give me an answer on Friday,this waiting is killing me.. They made me do a full presentation yesterday to the Managing Director which took me 3 days to prepare for,if I dont get the job after the effort it

  • 44

    41 – Blouste, Not sure what Muir means by that statement. Though I do feel for their supporters and the team. Time there to get a coach for all positions. Ray Mordt is he going be their defence coach from now on? Or was that just a temporary thing? I never knew Ray was a defence coach more a backline coach? Hope for better for their supporters next year.

  • 45

    After the effort I put in I’ll be gutted..

  • 46

    43 – Winston, 3 interviews is a positive thing. I think you should get the job, if you don’t bugger them they wasted a talented youngster about 😀

  • 47

    43 – Winston, your next will the the physco test…….hahaha. Really that does happen in large companies.

  • 48

    I hope they dont because it seems like a real good opportunity 🙂 I’m off to gym,be back in an hour chaps.

  • 49

    Believe it or not there are only 7 people in the Finance division and I’ve met 3 of them including 2 Directors,so what next,a cavity check..

  • 50

    Winston, it sounds good man.

    Good luck !!!

  • 51

    A visit to the dentist before Friday might be a good idea then… 😆

  • 52

    sorry meant phsyco

  • 53

    48 – Winston, good on you keeping fit. Enjoy it. Take the stress out buddy…….hehehe. You should get that job.

  • 54


    Also see Plum is denying the statements that were published in the press about Goode and Rudolf.

    He was also fuming on Monday after allegedly being misquoted as criticising flyhalf Andy Goode and Sharks commercial manager Rudolf Straeuli.

    “Do you really think an experienced coach like me will criticise a player at a news conference?

    “I mentioned that we need to be ambitious in our recruitment and straight away the conclusion was drawn that I was criticising Rudolf and Andy.

    “I never said that and totally deny it. I play a huge part in recruitment myself.

    “We thought we’d have Juan Martin Hernandez and Adrian Jacobs available this year, but they were injured. At times we are the victims of circumstances.”

  • 55

    Hello Timothy see you up there. Welcome never seen you here before, come blog with us.

  • 56

    Eishh the journo’s 😯

  • 57

    54 – Blouste, to be honest, really don’t think Plum is that stupid to say that to the press. He is a decent bloke so was really gobsmacked yesterday to read he said that. Thought it was out of order for him to say that to the press. Also thought probably the press just writing down what they want too. You know the press. They can be vicious buggers really, can twist things around.

    So yes, I would now take Plums word rather than theirs.

  • 58

    Asgat, het jy jou gelukwense geless ?

  • 59

    @ 57 – Absolutely…

    A lot of murders in our beautiful country again in the news this morning.
    Sad really 🙁

  • 60

    Anyway, a bit of the point, just felt like sharing it.

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