Boland may have been relegated to the first division but if rumours are to believed they have scored a massive coup by appointing one of the best coaches of junior players who also has Super rugby experience.

Rumours are doing the rounds that ex-Lions coach, Loffie Eloff have signed on to coach the relegated Boland rugby union from 2010.

Reports did the rounds last week in the media that Loffie is being courted by European clubs and Boland Rugby for a coaching position with Boland not given much hope given they had to compete with the Euro or Pound, but it seems Loffie has opted to remain in South Africa.

This is a surprise move on Loffie and Boland’s part that they managed to secure the services of such an experienced coach especially given how emphatically Boland was beaten in losing their place to the Pumas in the first division.

Boland however has been seen as one of the breeding grounds of South African rugby with many a player starting their senior careers here before moving on.

One has to suspect with the recent swopping of players between Boland and Western Province in the Currie Cup that WP Rugby, or rather the Stormers management had some hand in securing a top coach for the Boland Rugby Union.

It seems the fact that Rassie Erasmus has apparently moved away from a more direct coaching role to that of Director of Rugby is beginning to bear some positive results for the region (Western Cape) who will only see one team, WP Rugby, in the Currie Cup first division in 2010.

Do not be surprised if Rassie, who initiated a positive and concrete working relationship between the Griffons and Cheetahs rugby in the past through sharing of resources is aiming to do the same thing with WP Rugby and Boland.

81 Responses to Boland secures top coach

  • 61


    But is he a top coach??? 🙂

  • 62

    I am out, wife needs the PC…


  • 63

    He coached some top moves and the results was spectacular tries. Sadly his defense was poor. And a few ref calls cost him a game or 2. Would have loved to see him coaching a big team like the Bulls. I wont rate him great , he was good in my eyes.

  • 64

    55-58 Morne
    aaah…trying to change the subject AGAIN from Loffie…haha..not gonna work.
    But I’ll answer you…I think Rassie i a good coach, he has won 3 CC trophies, which Loffie could get do.
    According to you, any coach that doenst coach in good structures should be excused poor results. Loffie can get 10% wins, but only the structures are too blame. I dont agree with that. Loffie needs to take blame for the poor results as well.

  • 65

    #63 Agree super..he is not great..definitely not a top coach! hehe

  • 66

    Kan nou nie alles lees op phone nie maar lyk my Supa praat weer sin…

  • 67


    O flok, net Supa die drol is ook hier………. ai!!


  • 68

    Vir oulaas, voor ek gaan Morne.
    Onthou, LOFFIE is die argument, nie DJ Rassie of Ludeke nie. En Loffie het boggerol gewen by die Lions. Kon nooit sy span bo 10 kry op die s14 nie. Selfs een jaar nie die semis van die CC gehaal nie. Ook maar in die 30% van sy wedstryde gewen teen top unies. En ek hoor die spelers het min respek vir hom.
    As dit vir jou n ‘top coach’ is, verskil ons standaarde dalk!

  • 69

    #67 Nee, Trupi die drol is ook hier!
    Anyway, eks uit!

    Ps. Loffie is nie n ‘top coach’ nie! 😉

  • 70

    so ons agree hy is n goeie coach, wat great moves coach. 😆

  • 71

    Hey…Supa…jy kannie comments kom change nie jou vark! Mmmmmmmm…..George Orwell springs to mind.

  • 72


    Nee Supa, moet nie die argument verander nie.

    Die argument is nie net Loffie nie, maar wie (almal) ons rate as top coaches en hoekom.

    Rassie in my opinie is n average coach, as n voorbeeld.

    Jy wil eerstens resultate argumenteer, maar dan sit jy boundaries daarop.

    Hou op die goal posts shift.

    Tussen Rassie, Loffie, PDV, Dawie en Jimmy – is enige van hulle top coaches?

  • 73

    Ek is ook weg vir die aand.

    Maar soos Supa los ek julle met n Jerry Springer thought of the day… 🙂

    How we rate a top coach is not always down to immediate or current results.

    As an example, Ludeke achieved great results, however not fully professional and top level prior to the Lions – the Lions however sunk his reputation.

    Rassie on the other hand achieved great success with the Cheetahs, but in a union with more resources and more money he has failed dismally in his 3 years (almost) in charge now.

    Yet some (like Supa) rate him as a top coach because he won a Currie Cup 3 years ago…

    A coach will only be as good as his environment allows him to be.

    PDV and Jake had nothing before they became Bok coaches, but somehow the environment together with resources allowed them to excel.

    Just as much as people do not rate Loffie as a top coach, the same can be said about apparent top coaches and why they are kak by reversing the argument.

    That is the thought for the day.

    Supa, waaroor ons saamstem, is dat dit is net ons, my en jou, opinie!!!

    En dit beteken in elk geval fokkol

    Nag vir nou! 🙂

  • 74

    Sak Sarel, pa wil ‘n bok skiet…

  • 75

    Ek neem aan die ene is al gisteraand afgehandel. Kom kom ons wees eerlik oor EEN ding. By ENIGE ENIGE ENIGE rugbyspan het met alle faktore nodig om dinge te laat gebeur. Strukture, spelers en afrigtingspan.

    As mens nie die spelers het nie, gaan die beste coach en strukture nie vir jou help nie. Wat gaan hulle doen… self speel.
    As mens nie strukture het nie, en die coach en spelers werk in choas gaan hulle ook nie ver kom nie. Nie in moderne rugby nie.
    En laaste maar nie die minste. Mens het ‘n goeie coach nodig, want al het mens die beste strukture en spelers, maar jou game plan is USELESS gaan jy ook nie wen nie. Omdat moderne rugby so kompeterend geword het help die kleinighede nie meer nie. Mens het alles nodig om vlot te loop…

    En nou gaan Loffie by Boland afrig… case, point, end of story.

  • 76

    greenpoint @ 75
    issie warie
    djy wietan
    alles hang af vannie

  • 77

    Ashly, hahahahaha

    Dan is Boland NOG meer in die chops.

  • 78

    greenpoint @ 77
    jaaaaaaaa boet
    ek hoop nog steeds om EENDAG te sien hoe Boland die CC omhoog hou!! 😥

  • 79

    Kan julle slim janne my vertel wat hierdie “strukture” is waarvan almal praat…Is dit die mure van die kantore?…die pawiljoene?…die organisasie?…die bestuur ?…die spelers ?…Die afrigters?…Dis ‘n lekker woord om rond te gooi…maar wat behels dit werklik? Weet iemand hier hoe werk ‘n effektiewe struktuur rerig en wat dit behels?
    Wat is die beste “struktuur” vir ‘n professionele rugbyspan?…’n Funksionele Struktuur, ‘n Produk/Mark of Divisionele Struktuur of ‘n Matrix Struktuur?..Kan iemand dalk hierdie tameletjie ontleed want dit lyk vir my die meeste spanne se strukture lyk dieselfde.

  • 80

    wel sover my uitgebreide kennis strek
    ñ struktuur ñ ding waarteen ek kan leun as ek lekke gesyp vannie pub afkom

  • 81


    Goeie punt, ek sal ‘n artikel doen oor dit vir die site, sommer miskien vir Rassie en Heyneke bel en hulle opinie oor strukture kry en die invloed op moderne rugby spanne en unies en die effek op coaches. Dit sal in die af-seisoen wees though, so as ons stil raak in Desember.

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