
When we started Rugby-Talk none of us could have foreseen how this website would have grown, matured and become so successful. It all started as a group of friends broke away to form our own thing and where we could discuss rugby without having to scour through a plethera of political comments, racial slurring and plain nasty and vindictive comments.

Today Rugby-Talk has become a leader, with great content and our Live Game Articles are unrivelled in the rugby world.

To date we have 7 126 Articles plus another 174 web pages and over 280 000 comments on the website. We have generated over 7 320 000 Page Impressions (website clicks) since we first started counting a few months after inception of the website.

It is with great pleasure that I say a hearty Happy 4th Birthday to Rugby-Talk, the friendly rugby website, where respect rules, where the community thrives and where great rugby news and banter can be found.

Of course, I would be remiss not to thank all the Authors, Contributors and Members of Rugby-Talk, who make this site what it is! Thank you, friends!

Here’s hoping for many, many more years of happy blogging, great rugby and prosperity to all.

Oh, and before I forget, we’ve opened a Rugby-Talk Facebook Page too, so click here, go like the page and then invite every Facebook friend you have to the page and of course to Rugby-Talk’s website!


Here’s a message to you all:






23 Responses to Rugby-Talk: Happy Birthday – 4 years old 13 August!

  • 4

    Is it only 4 years?

  • 5

    Fuckit GBS but you have the perfect face for radio.

  • 6

    5 @ Loosehead:

    But I have such a great personality…. hehehe

  • 7

    baie geluk aan ons,ek was nou wel nie van die begin af hier nie maar kom ook al n paar jarre saam met julle klomp pcycos,well done

  • 8

    Happy birthday, may there be many more

  • 9

    7 @ smallies:
    Wat tel is dat jy nou hier is… Vrystaater!

  • 10

    8 @ Just For Kicks:
    Yip, may there be many, many more!

  • 11

    Geluk , en mag dit nog baie beter word THANK-YOU Congratulations

  • 12

    Die sleutelfrase is respek!

  • 13

    Geluk ouens!

  • 14


    A heartfelt “thank you”.

    Without the long hours that you put in, often neglecting family and bussiness RT wouldn’t be what it is today.

    I hope EVERYONE who visits this blog, whether they comment or not, appreciate that.

  • 15

    Happy Birthday Rugby-Talk, from the sunny Australian east coast town of Bateau Bay, situated 100 kms north of the gateway to Australia – SYDNEY.

    Congratulations to GBS and everyone else who has contributed to RT, which acts as a global conduit for we rugby lovers. No matter where you are in the world, Rugby-Talk allows you to log on to either vent your spleen at rugby’s failings, or to shake the internet hand of your fellow fans after a win that might fill you with delirium or a loss that sinks you to the depths.

    More power to Rugby-Talk, and GBS – my rugby mates across the sea.

  • 16

    Happy Birthday, RT. To GBS and everyone who has contributed to this fantastic site, well done. This is my favourite general rugby blog. I have learnt a lot of technical stuff from you guys, and have had fun over the years.

  • 17

    Happy Birthday RT.

    How time goes by so fast. 4 years already!

    Well done gbs and thanks for making this a top class site and especially for the live games.

  • 18

    @ grootblousmile:
    Well done bruvva!
    You did a great job, against all odds four years ago, by starting our own virtual pub here.
    Respect, Cheers my brother from another mother, long may you and RT continue.

  • 19

    You see, this is the reason I do it…

    I have friends here who are as passionate as I am about rugby, we have a brilliant rugby community, people see that we stand for respect… and we have ladies & gentlemen from all over the world who enjoy us and our sport, rugby.

    Where in this world does one find a bigger gentleman than Old Griquas 14 in Sydney… Oldie you are my friend accros the waters, I hope to shake your real hand some day and I hope to have the pleasure of your company for real.

    If I… if we can attract this type of person to our website, then we MUST be doing something very right!

    To everybody here, My very dear friend Pietman – if we could share blood I am sure we would have done so already, Oompie Puma who has been a bit sulky with me for a week… get over it Oompie because you belong here, Lion4ever, Scrumdown my Kempies tjomma, SuperBlommieBul die grooooot man met die klein hartjie, Kickers who is never shy to help out, Loosehead the fat Vryyyystaaaat prop, Smallies…. all of you have been here for years and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You guys make it special for me too.

    Gena you have been here maybe not as long, but you are appreciated too… thanks buddie.

    To our newer friends, Willemblou & MacroBull, it’s nice to have you here and this site will still climb deep into your hearts…

    The people who comment here on Rugby-Talk represent a fraction of the people who read this website on a daily basis, just have a look at the Page Impressions we generate on a daily basis! So, a general invite to EVERY READER out there, register and join us… you won’t be sorry you did!

    Now here’s the challenge to you guys, my rugby friends, I think most of you will be on Facebook or Twitter… invite ALL your friends to join us here. Let’s go viral…. let’s go big… Rugby-Talk is ready for that now!

    If we add some quality people here, there simply is no sound reason in this world why we cannot become the largest rugby community out there… we are already the best… now for the BIGGEST!

    We have plans… we have the energy… we have the resources… help us make everything we dream of here at Rugby-Talk become a reality!

  • 20

    18 @ Pietman:
    Pietman, ek en jy my vrind… ek en jy… ons het saam geloop daar by Voldy op 28 Julie 2009… en ons loop nog steeds saam soos karperde.

  • 21

    Geluk Rudi! Many more years I hope!

  • 22

    Just saw this today, so belated many happy returns to Rugby-Talk! Compliments and best wishes to all the bloggers and authors who make this site so great and a special appreciation to Smiles without whose extreme dedication, commitment, expertise, passion and decency none of this would be possible.
    To the bestest, but unfortunately not the prettiest, Cheers webmonster in the world, Salute/Cin Cin!

  • 23

    4 years old congratulations: sorry that I only discovered this site recently; all the best for the next 4 years! Make-A-Birthday-Wish Make-A-Birthday-Wish

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